SIS 39 Road Data Exchange in EU: TN-ITS GO and NAPCORE initiatives
Organised by : Stephen T'Siobbel, ERTICO - ITS Europe, Belgium
Moderator : Frank Daems, ERTICO - ITS Europe, Belgium
Speakers :
- Timo Hoffmann, Federal Highway Research Institute - BASt, Germany
- Christian Kleine, HERE Technologies, Germany
- Stephen T'Siobbel, ERTICO - ITS Europe, Belgium
- Suku Phull, Department for Transport – DfT, United Kingdom
Session Description :
This session presents the main conclusions of the TN-ITS GO project: an initiative to accelerate the deployment of European road data sharing services between road authorities and map & service providers. It provides an outlook on the role of TN-ITS in the National Access Points Coordination Program on mobility data (NAPCORE). Bert Boterbergh from MOW presents the Flemish TN-ITS Service, the effort done to comply to the CEN technical specifications and its availability on the Belgian NAP. He will discuss the actions and tool(s) for Flemish municipalities to maintain the road database from which TN-ITS changes are derived. Stephen T’Siobbel representing ERTICO addresses the TN-ITS GO activities on technical specifications elaborating on the lessons learned from more than 10 member states deploying ( pilot) services in EU, and discussed Linked Data actions and opportunities. Christian Kleine from HERE Technologies, elaborates on the value of TN-ITS GO for the data users (map & service providers), its ecosystem, the liaison with partner organisations/platforms, the potential impact of revised Delegated Regulations, and the future in NAPCORE. Timo Hoffmann from Bast, the NAPCORE coordinator, presents the program and highlights TN-ITS as one of the four sub working groups in the program.